Genre: Hip Hop Current Members: JeSuisMichy Active: Current
JeSuisMichy (Michereldo Patrick), better known as Michy is a rap artist born and raised in The Netherlands.
Inspired by artists: Lil Wayne, T.I, Jay-Z and Kanye-West he developed a large amount of interest in writing and composing his own music at the age of twelve and found his hidden talent.
So for him it’s was only natural that he began writing lyrics.
After years of writing songs, hoping and patiently waiting for a chance to shine light upon his talent going by he stopped waiting for something he figured would never come..
He stopped dreaming and started focussing on reality.
Michy : That when i realise why try to reach for a star when you know it’s to far away.
In the late summer of 2017 he realised that his dreams would only stay dreams if he gave up on them and resumed writing when he started collaborating with Qroadproductions (Axel Dorothea).
With Michy’s writing skills and Axels knowledge with the music scene began a collaboration that changed his life. They then released his first song titled “HELL AND BACK” and are currently working on his new song “DJANGO”.